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Contribution of Project-Based Blended Learning (PjB2L) Learning Model to Technoprenuership Ability in Higher Education
Hariyono, Vera Septi Andrini
CrossRef DOI : 10.31426/ijamsr.2020.3.4.3211
Download PDF Google Search Abstract

Dr. Swati Arora Verma, Dr. Neha Milani
CrossRef DOI : 10.31426/ijamsr.2020.3.4.3212
Download PDF Google Search Abstract

Review On Graphene Quantum Dots: A Bioimaging Probe
Payel Mukherjee, Arindam Chakraborty, Dr. Manas Chakraborty
CrossRef DOI : 10.31426/ijamsr.2020.3.4.3213
Download PDF Google Search Abstract

AI and the Enhancement of Cognitive Functions
Shivya Saxena
CrossRef DOI : 10.31426/ijamsr.2020.3.4.3214
Download PDF Google Search Abstract