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  • Call for Papers Jul-2024

    Paper Submission: 25-Jul-2024

    Publication: 31-Jul-2024

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Special Issue

International Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering, Science and Management - ICIRESM - 2020

A Study Of An Architectural Style For Cloud Software System
Hira Lal

A Scalable And Efficient User Authentication Scheme For Cloud Computing Environments
Khadri SS

Model Based Performance Prediction In Software Development: A Survey
Dipali Brijpal Singh Tawar

Advantages And Problems Relating To The Application Of Sandwich Structures
MD. Misbahuddin

A Study Of Development Of Fast-Food Industries In India

A Study Of Sustainability Of Tetrahedrite In Thermoelectric Material
Ajitha Mary C

A Study Of Deployment Of Machine Learning In Botnet Detection System
Deevi Harikrishna